Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunday Sunrise - Jacksonville Beach, Fl - On-Location Natural Light Photography

On Sunday I decided to head out at 5am with my group of photog friends for a sunrise shoot. It's one of those things when you're waking up you think, "What the heck am I doing?", as you're driving to the beach in the dark you think, "I'm such a nerd", but once you get there and see the beautiful sunrise you think to yourself, "This was totally worth getting up at 5am. I need to do this more often".



  1. gorgeous! did you teach yourself photography? i am always so impressed with your shots. i need to learn to shoot in manual so i can get something half as good as you get! love these!!

    1. Thank you, Ingrid.
      I am self taught. Before purchasing an dslr camera I did months of reading about photography and how to shoot in manual. Keep playing with your camera and eventually shooting in manual will be a breeze. :)
